Supervisor Daemon Management

You will only be able to manage your server's Supervisor daemons if your user role has permission to do so. Review our guide for more information on the different roles and permissions.

For users of our Advanced Integration, ServerAuth can provide web-based management of your server's Supervisor daemons, with options to create and manage daemons, as well as view their logs.

Please note that your Supervisor configuration will be modified to work with ServerAuth, and any existing daemons will be unloaded. If you already have daemons these will need to be re-created from within your ServerAuth control panel.

Managing Supervisor Daemons

When you first visit the Daemons section of your server management area you'll be prompted to install and set up Supervisor. This can be run even if Supervisor is already installed on your server, and will ensure it's configured to work with ServerAuth.

As mentioned above, if you've already got existing supervisor daemons running these will need to be re-created inside ServerAuth as your configuration file gets modified during the setup process to ensure we're able to reliably manage each daemon.

Once Supervisor is running you'll see a list of all daemons and an option to create a new daemon.

Creating Supervisor Daemons

To create a new daemon click the 'Add Daemon' button to bring up the form. Here you can provide all the details needed for the daemon to operate:

  • Name - An optional field, used to provide some context as to what the daemon is for.
  • Command - The command that Supervisor should run. We've provided some example commands below for different applications.
  • Directory - You can optionally specify the directory of your executable file. This can also be added as part of the command but we recommend splitting it out into this field to provide an easier way of recognizing which daemon it is on the main listing page.
  • User - The user that the daemon should run as. This is important if you are running a web app that is running as your Nginx/Apache user, or another system user. We strongly recommend against entering 'root' here.
  • Number of processes - Supervisor will start as many instances of this program as named by numprocs.
  • Start Seconds - The total number of seconds that the program needs to stay running after a startup to consider the start successful.
  • Stop Seconds - The number of seconds to wait for the OS to return a SIGCHLD to supervisord after the program has been sent a stopsignal.
  • Stop Signal - The signal used to kill the program when a stop is requested. You'll generally want to leave this set to SIGTERM unless your applicaton requires a specific option.
  • Auto Start Program - If ticked this program will start automatically when supervisord is started.
  • Auto Restart Program - Specifies if supervisord should automatically restart a process if it exits when it is in the RUNNING state.

Other options

In addition to setting up supervisor daemons several other options to aid in server management are provided:

View Daemon Logs

We automatically set your supervisor daemons to log to the /var/log directory on your server. You can then view these log files from within ServerAuth by clicking the options button on one of your daemons, followed by the 'View Log' link.

Start/Stop/Restart Daemons

From the same options dropdown, you'll find the ability to restart, start or stop individual daemons. This is especially useful if you've pushed an update to the server and need to restart the daemon for it to pick up the new file changes. You'll also find the option to delete a daemon here.

Managing Supervisor Run State

Using the main 'Options' button at the top of the page you can start, stop or restart Supervisor. You can also force ServerAuth to reload all supervisor configuration files, should they become out of sync due to manual changes on the server.

Further Reading

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