Log Viewer

You will only be able to view server log files if your user role has permission to do so. Review our guide for more information on the different roles and permissions.

The Log Viewer allows you to browse both common and custom log files, without having to SSH into your server.

Viewing Log Files

We've provided a drop-down list of the most common log files that are present on many servers. Not all of these logs may apply to your server, so you'll also find an option to enter a custom path to a log file instead.

Whilst typically your logs will be located in /var/log there are some instances where this may not be the case. For this reason, the log viewer will allow you to specify a path to any file on the server.

Once you've selected the file to view, ServerAuth will connect to your server and fetch up to the last 1000 lines of the file. This is to ensure we're able to respond to your request promptly, and without causing issues in your web browser by trying to show too much at once.

Above the viewer, a toolbar provides several options, such as:

  • Refresh the log file
  • Download the file
  • View in full-screen
  • Scroll to the bottom or top

There are no special system requirements or packages that will need to be installed to use the log viewer.

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