Follow along with the latest updates, news and server management articles.
We're pleased to announce that you can now manage your Logrotate setup from within ServerAuth!
Nginx and PHP. Together, they form a powerful, reliable stack for both simple sites and large-scale web applications. In this guide you'll learn about them and how to install them on your server.
In this guide, we’ll explore some of the most popular Linux server distributions, giving you a quick introduction to each, followed by a breakdown of their pros and cons.
We're pleased to roll out this small but much requested feature to your server lists.
ServerAuth makes it easy to deploy your CraftCMS sites to your servers, and supports automatic deployments from your git repository. In this guide we'll show you how it's done!
Did you know that you can be notified every time someone uses Sudo to increase their permissions on your server? In this article we'll dig into how to set it up, and why you should be using it!
Navigating server providers and creating a server can be tough with all the available options! In this guide we'll hand-hold you through the process of setting up a server with Akamai
Learn how to monitor your servers, as we explain a range of built in tools and options for keeping track of server metrics, and how to read the often confusing data provided by some of these tools.
Using a different server provider can always be a daunting task. In this guide, we'll take you through deploying a new server with Vultr and how to integrate it into ServerAuth!
With the introduction of Laravel 11 and the new first party websocket package, Reverb, we're diving in how to get it set up, and how to deploy it to your server.
This guide will walk you through setting up a Laravel based Filament application and then deploying it to your server.
There's always a ton of options when creating new servers! In this guide, we'll run you through creating a server with the popular provider, Hetzner along with integrating it into ServerAuth!
Take your website management to the next level with our Application Management & Webhook Deployment features!
Effortlessly host websites on your server with the new ServerAuth Site Manager. Enjoy 1-Click WordPress installation, site isolation, temporary domains, and multiple PHP versions!
We're pleased to announce you can now integrate your Vultr account into ServerAuth!
Disk space is a valuable resource on any Linux server, and it's crucial to manage it efficiently to ensure optimal performance and prevent system slowdowns or crashes.